Monday, October 10, 2016

Angular 2 vs React: Which one should a new developer learn?

I have been learning both React and Angular 2 and have been wondering which one to focus on. They both are useful in front-end development, helping to manage states, and making it possible to create one-page web apps. However, there are some major differences. While both could be helpful to learn, this short article focusses on which one is best to learn for an entry-level developer.

Angular 2 is a framework, while React is a library. This means that there is more of a set way of doing things in Angular. There is a lot more built-in to Angular. With React it is common to add other libraries to get all the functionality needed.

In some ways, this makes things easier in Angular since you don't have to spend as much time learning about the other libraries you need. Although some people may like that the core of React is a little simpler.

HTML or JavaScript
Angular 2 and React have different focuses when it comes to HTML and JS. One article I read sums it up like this: "Angular 2 continues to put 'JS' into HTML. React puts 'HTML' into JS."

React uses the JavaScript we already know while Angular adds a lot of Domain Specific Language to HTML. In this way, there is a steeper learning curve to Angular.

React's focus on JavaScript also means that the skills will transfer better to other JS libraries and frameworks.

Job Outlook
Since React is younger than Angular, there are very few developers that have much more than 1 year of React experience. There are a lot of Angular developers that have 3+ years experience. So if you start to learn React now, you won't be as behind compared to learning Angular now.

Most importantly, at this time there are more companies hiring developers for React than Angular and the hiring trend for React is still increasing while the trend for Angular is decreasing.

React seems like the best choice for a new developer to learn. However, it may depend on what job you want to get. For instance, one of the companies that I most want to work for uses Angular and not React. Because of this, I am going to continue to learn Angular.

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